Understanding Chronic Wounds: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Living with chronic wounds can be challenging in more ways than one, impacting both your physical and mental health – often creating ripple effects into other areas of your life. At Advanced Wound Care, we understand not just the complexities of these wounds but the importance of addressing them head on, so you can get back to living the life you deserve. Before you can decide on treatment for a chronic wound, it is important to have a basic understanding of their causes & symptoms, and the comprehensive treatments a mobile clinic, like ours, can bring to your front door.
Causes and Symptoms of Chronic Wounds
Chronic, or non-healing, wounds can stem from various factors, including poor circulation, prolonged pressure, infection or even nerve damage (neuropathy). Symptoms of chronic wounds often present with persistent pain, redness, swelling, and/or drainage. It’s crucial to seek medical attention if you notice any of these signs to prevent complications.
Types of Chronic Wounds We See Frequently
Once a wound presents itself, and does not show significant signs of healing, it is labeled a chronic or non-healing wound and it is recommended to seek the guidance of a wound care specialist for treatment. Wound care specialists most often treat diabetic, pressure or venous ulcers as they have the most frequent occurrence within our nation at large.
Diabetic Ulcers
Diabetic foot ulcers are a common type of chronic wound among individuals with diabetes. These ulcers often develop on the feet due to poor circulation and nerve damage (neuropathy), and decreased immune function. Making them particularly susceptible to infection. If left untreated, diabetic ulcers can lead to serious complications, including amputation.
Pressure Ulcers (Bedsores)
Pressure sores, also known as bedsores, are a constant concern for individuals who are bedridden or have limited mobility. These wounds develop when pressure is applied to the skin and underlying tissues for extended periods, often on bony prominences such as the hips, heels, and lower back. The resulting breakdown of skin and tissue can be excruciating and significantly impact one’s quality of life. Prevention and prompt treatment are essential to avoid complications.
Venous Ulcers
Venous ulcers are wounds that develop due to poor blood circulation, often in the lower legs and ankles. These ulcers are commonly seen in individuals with conditions such as chronic venous insufficiency. Venous ulcers are notorious for their slow healing nature and tendency to recur. Proper management is crucial to break this cycle and promote healing.
How Mobile Wound Care Can Help
At Advanced Wound Care, our mobile wound care clinic brings the advanced treatments sufferers of chronic wounds need – directly to our patients doorstep, ensuring convenience and comfort. Early intervention and treatment is key to ensuring that a chronic wound doesn’t develop into something more serious, but isn’t always accessible in more rural communities and/or by patients with limited mobility. That’s where a mobile wound care clinic comes into play – bringing access to healthcare at a crucial point in the healing process.
Our comprehensive approach includes:
- Wound Assessment: Thorough evaluation of the wound, its underlying causes, and any contributing factors.
- Advanced Therapies: We utilize cutting-edge treatments such as negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), bioengineered skin substitutes, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).
- Infection Control: Effective management of infections to promote healing and prevent complications.
- Education and Support: We empower patients and caregivers with the knowledge and tools needed for proper wound care at home.
Remember, early intervention is key to successful wound healing. If you or a loved one is living with a chronic wound, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Don’t let chronic wounds win. Contact us today to schedule a no obligation consultation and take the first step toward healing.